Recently, I was viewing some YouTube videos of crazy cats when I ran across a YouTube that contained a video news article on a man who has invented a way to change your average gas guzzling car into a GREEN and efficient car that runs on normal tap water. Why has this not caught on? It clearly has been proven to work. Several YouTube news articles exist that show GREEN enthusiasts and some scientists stunned that it actually functions and that all of us can transform our gas run cars into water run cars with a simple plan of instructions. Materials can be purchased in your local hardware or auto store is the claim the inventor is making as to how you will be transforming your car into a water run car. Has anyone out there tried this?
I would like to know if what I am seeing and hearing is really true and what real results have you gotten? Was the purchase of the plan expensive? Was the transformation hard to do? Did your car really run on normal tap water? Did you actually drive your newly transformed car and if so, for how long? How many miles to the gallon did you get and for what distance did it go before filling up? Please respond to my inquiries. I am very curious as to why this is not mainstream yet considering the fact that gas is getting to be outrageously priced and we are feeling its blow on everything that we buy and places that we go. Oh yes, and what about the cars in India that will run on air? Any takers as to why that, too is not becoming a mainstream solution to our environmental problems?
If you go to you can read up on the history and plans of air compression in cars and other vehicles. It is interesting that the oil industry suppressed the continued research of air compression by dismissing its claim of efficiency in everyday use of vehicles and put out to the public that oil was more efficient and more powerful than the obviously much cleaner and cheaper air compression. I suspect it was greed that drove them to do it as they realized they could make more money with oil.
Tags: air, car, environmental, green, hybrid, technology, water
Compliance is Not Consent
6 years ago
Have you seen the price of bottled water at 7-Eleven? Makes me glad cars DON'T run on water!
I read several internet articles, and they all pegged my BS-o-meter. (It only goes from 0 to 10, I'll have to trade it in for one that goes up to eleven)
Just about every store in the bad part of town sells several booklets claiming to help people find their lucky lottery numbers. I always joked that if I came up with a system for predicting what the winning number would be, do you think I would have to make a living selling the formula?
Aside from the questionable science in these articles, ask yourself: if an inventor demonstrated to GM that he could run a car on water, don't you think they would be interested? If they weren't, he could just go to Ford, or Toyota.
Not that I don't believe breakthroughs are on the horizon. I'd love to come back in a hundred years and listen to fifth graders ask theur history teachers "Is it true people used to fight over oil?"
But these articles were too full of hokum to be credible.
I think running a car on air compression is certainly possible but the issue would be safety and most likely power of the vehicle. However, in these desperate times 'power of the vehicle' may finally be put to rest amongst most Americans. I'm actually starting to see some Smart Cars around town and hope to see more in the future. The website presented is an interesting one and I hope it generates enough interst to at least have them TRY and make one. We'll have to see what kind of pressure big oil puts on the automakers to NOT try it though. Let's hope those days are over.
As for water running engines...I would like to see it happen but, again the research needs to be done and who is going to front the correct amount of money to do it?
BTW Grey Fedora... bottled water is much more expensive than TAP water. If a car was run on Tap water that would be an ideal price per gallon. :) Everytime you flush your toilet you use 1 gallon of water. Keep that in mind and then look at your monthly bill. :)
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. The amount of energy required to split the hydrogen and oxygen molecules (which is, I assume, the method by which these motors are powered) through hydrolysis is greater than the energy that is captured to run the engine because some of the energy is lost to heat, friction, sound etc.. It's not a perfect transfer, an external energy input is required.
The claim that such a device can be created with tools purchased from a DIY store are nonsense and completely fly in the face of the basic laws of physics. People have claimed for hundreds of years that they had cracked the holy grail of perpetual motion, but not once has it stood up to scrutiny and often resulted in the creators being sent to jail for misleading investors. What's more likely, the guy has re-written the science books or he's just another in a long line of idiots?
Conspiracy theorists with little better to do and even less proof allege that the oil and automobile giants hold back the technology so they can milk the oil cow to the extreme. The crooks who peddle these scams onto unwitting and uneducated 'investors' are only too happy to play that card themselves. Don't believe the hype.
I am not a conspiracy theorist. I was only curious that with all the innovations out there, that obvious choices like air and water for fuel were not that big of a stretch. After all, we use solar, water, air, and wind and various other "free" or recycled resources to make electricity. In fact, solar is another resource that should be used more. As far as the oil industry goes, I do believe that greed is a driving force when it comes to the saturation of oil based products everywhere. The moment we are born, we are suckled to it. From the diapers, the bottles, the jars, the toys, and other plastic products, we live, dress, walk, breathe(oxygen supplies), etc. things made from OIL. Our grocery stores are full of products and produce that arrived there through the use of oil. The products are shrink wrapped in plastic. Even boxes have plastic coatings to protect freshness. You name it and it has OIL written all over it! I could go on and on. I believe there is a better way to fuel cars than oil and the technology IS out there now. So, if your BS-o-meter is going strong then it is because of your belief that there are no other alternatives to oil and apparently you are not willing to even try to believe that it is possible. I question whether you really want us to change from our oil guzzling ways or are you another person who keeps their head buried in the sand?
You raise an important point (if you throw enough darts I suppose you were bound to hit the target at some point) about the dependence upon oil in Western economies. To produce one calorie of food it requires, on average, the input of 10 calories - and it is safe to assume that is all going to be oil based energy. That equation is neither sustainable nor anywhere near remotely efficient. We are entirely at the whim of oil prices.
Finding something that replaces it that is cheap, sustainable, reliable and environmentally friendly is something that the market will arrange when the price of oil reaches tipping point. Solar, wind, tidal, nuclear have all been explored but none of them are, as yet, able to produce energy as cheaply as fossil fuel power stations. Perhaps that will change in the near future if oil prices continue to rocket.
NB: You may not be a conspiracy theorist but I sure am - the US invasion of Iraq will provide a launch pad (why else would they build dozens of military bases at a cost of billions if they were just going to walk away from them after a couple of years) for attacks on the oil rich nations of the middle east when the oil wars kick off. Which, you have to admit, is a pretty shrewd move. The rest of the world hates you but you can have cheap petrol for a bit longer.
If you want to find out more about peak oil and have a laugh at the same time, wactch Robert Newman's 'History of Oil':
"BTW Grey Fedora... bottled water is much more expensive than TAP water."
The unabashed dictionary defines sarchasm s the gap between the author of wit and the reader who doesn't get it. In last Sunday's comic strip "The Lockhorns," Leroy and Loretta were at Starbucks, Leroy commented to another man in the line, "I come here whenever I'm upset about the price of Gasoline."
Something I can't quite figure out. Back in the 1970's, when we had the first "oil crisis," I remember reading articles saying the oil shortage was largely manufactured, but in about 30-35 years,we would start having real problems.
There was one political cartoon I wish I could find, where a worried consumer in a gas guzzler was saying:"thirty five years..... WHEW! I thought you said three to five years!
So, when prices started to jump last year, I thought to myself, yep, right on time.
But the more I think about it, in the 70's, filling stations actually ran out of gas, The government lowered the speed limit on Interstate highways to 55, we had rationing (remember even and odd days?) Businesses and homes lowered their thermostats; Jimmy Carter appeared on television wearing a cardigan, and told us conservation was the moral equivalent of war.
One of the last Republicans I ever voted for was John Anderson. Anderson lost to Reagan in the 1980 Republican primary, and decided to run as an independent. He actually chose a Democrat as his VP candidate.
One of Anderson's platform planks was to put a 50-cents/gallon tax on gasoline. This would accomplish two things:
1. By making the price of gas artificially high, it would provide an economic incentive to get Americans out of their cars, and the relative high price of gasoline would make start-up alternative energy competitive.
2. The tax revenue from the gasoline tax would be invested in mass transit, and basic research for alternative energy.
Anderson got single digits in the popular vote, and I don't think he carried any state. It was "morning in America," OPEC was broken, and we demanded SUV's.
While I believe we are at the thirty-five year mark scientists warned us about in the 70's, I also notice there are no lines at gas stations, there seems to be plenty of gasoline available, just the price has skyrocketed. I remember the closed door meetings between Dick Cheney and the oil company execs, and wonder how much is peak oil, and how much is manipulation?
Hey Sue!
It was my BS-o-meter that was pegged out, not Tom's!
I was looking for a good authoritative source for alternative fuel questions, and came across one of my favorites:
Here in Charlotte, there is a service station that currently will outfit your engine with a device called The Camelpack that converts your car into a water run car. It costs $600 to be installed. This is a copy of the report:
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Turning your vehicle into a hybrid
06/20/2008 05:25 PM
By: Shawn Flynn
The only maintenance on the unit is every 6-8 months. CHARLOTTE -- Old technology is helping a new inventor reduce gas costs by 30-40 percent. He and a local mechanic are working together to show drivers how they can turn any car in to a hybrid with Camelpack.
“It’s actually hybrid technology, installing it on any gasoline engine,” said Daniel Jimenez, Camelpack installer. The technology is not new, but its use is. The two say it can be installed on any vehicle.
"We're taking water, running a coil and [battery] voltage through it and it causes the gas to be released from the water,” explained Bill Chiasson, Camelpack designer and former aviation mechanic.
Hybrid Technology
Old technology is helping a new inventor reduce gas costs by 30-40 percent. He and a local mechanic are working together to show drivers how they can turn any car in to a hybrid with Camelpack.
“This HHO gas, when it combines with the gasoline in your car, burns the gasoline more efficiently,” added Chiasson. That means the only thing that comes out of the car’s tailpipe is water.
The only maintenance on the unit is every 6-8 months. Owners will need to add a little distilled water and some baking soda. Both cost less than a gallon of gas. Once a mechanic finds a spot in the engine compartment for the Camelpack, it only takes a few more hoses run in to a certain part of the engine.
The device costs $600. The designer says they’ve installed four units, and beyond gas savings “The car will run much smoother and it’ll run much cleaner,” said Jimenez.
The Camelpack has not yet received independent certification of its results. The inventor said those interested could go to his Web site,, which as of Friday afternoon was experiencing technical difficulties.
Well the air car generation is here! India is coming out with its own fleet of air taxi's and I think it is wonderful. Now, if we could only convince the auto makers here in the states to start making these energy efficient beauties we could make headways in saving our great Mother Earth! We could begin with school buses and public transportation to get the ball rolling and then slowly introduce cool cars, vans, and concept cars out to the American public suggesting its effectiveness in helping our environment and our pocket books/wallets.
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