Is there no shame??
Has anyone (with the exception of a blurb from John Stewart) noticed how extremely awful President Bush looked while chewing with his mouth open? The G8 summit has some of the (supposed) top minds of leadership throughout the free world and THIS is what we have to see from our leadership? A gaping wide mouth full of food while talking to the prime minister of England?
Etiquette Much??
Forget the fact that he used a curse word. This is unrelevant to my point. I'm talking about the eating habits of the person we elected into office. Check this link about halfway through and watch Bush BEFORE he begins talking to Tony Blair. This is the person we elected? A common twit with an etiquette problem? Click this link to check it out.
Mommy problems??
We've all seen Barbara Bush and her pretentious attitude towards the victims of Katrina. Now we learn she didn't even teach her son the most common of ALL social graces? I mean HOW HARD IS IT to chew with your mouth CLOSED? We saw the Prime Minister of Germany handle it quite nicely when the camera is focused on her. I do believe Barbara needs to take her GROWN son back and teach the basics of social circumstances.
I figured it out...
It seems that Bush has ZERO contempt for the leadership of the world. He is more interested in stuffing his face than making us look good. He feels that he is SO powerful that he can just sit around and eat like he wants, talk like he wants and get anything he wants done. I suppose we can be thankful that he is right about the first two...but not the last.
War, War and more War...
The neo-conservative movement is the scariest thing to hit politics in my 31 years. We actually have a percentage of the population that WANT to have WWIII! Is this not insane? Should we really have 30-40% of the population thinking this is OKAY? This president is no more couth than Kim Jong Il in terms of what makes us think he will be any better towards any other social circumstanes? NOTHING.
Spidey says...
One thing that rings true about America is the advice that SpiderMan took from his late Uncle Ben. Words we should all live by and push for our leaders to consider: With great power comes great responsibility.
Government responsibility is what we lack and the first step in getting it is to win as many seats in the House & Senate as we can this November.
D-man out...
Compliance is Not Consent
6 years ago
And another joins in...
Ahhhh and red joins the blog community......well dude, you know im canadian so i dont really have a say in what goes on in america. But i certainly disagree with almost anything Bush does, so i think im gonna enjoy this blog :D
Very cool honey! Let's hope that maybe this next election we can make something happen. We can't continue on like we are now. If we do, by the time dumbass leaves office we may not have an America left!
I agree completely! FYI, Conan O'Brian did comment on this in his monologue the other night. There is so much to dislike about Bush that this really pales in comparison - but if it turns off a few Bush voters - let him keep eating like a slob!!
I'm Canadian, too, but when it comes to Bush I think it's fair to say that he's "equal-opportunity repugnant": he's staggeringly distasteful and undesirable on an international scale.
I am THE single most politically ignorant person I know -- literally: I freely admit that I have a less-than-zero understanding of current affairs and world politics -- but even *I* know enough to keep my craw shut when I chew, and watch the remarks and four-letter words when I've got a mic six inches away from my snout / trough . . . not to mention keep it to myself that I was a C student when I'm addressing a graduating class and attempting to inspire them, speak more slowly as a general rule so that I don't make hugely embarrassing / ignorant oral blunders on a freakishly regular basis, and tone it down a notch about going Rambo-postal-apes**t on the rest of the world when fully HALF of my OWN countrymen and countrywomen would cheerfully outfit me with pretty concrete boots and air-drop me over the Bermuda Triangle given the opportunity (and a helicopter).
But that's just me. What the hell do I know.
im just commenting cuz u said so in #clansm :)
There's something to be said that we have to set examples as an adult not only to our children, (don't wear your hat in the bldg, don't talk with your mouth full, hold the door for a lady) but as a WORLD LEADER you certainly have to set a SUPREME example.
I think we need to count down the days till he hits the road back to the ranch! At least there he can be with the rest of the barn animals!
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.
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