I was watching a series on the History Channel called" The Presidents" and was enlightened to a fact that made me angry. Did you know that it was a Republican Congress and Senate that successfully defeated Pres. Woodrow Wilson's (Dem.) League of Nations proposal and the Treaty of Versailles that would have prevented the eventual rise of Adolf Hitler? Yes, the Republicans helped to bring this man to the forefront and into another World War. So, let me repeat; had the proposal passed and we became part of The League of Nations and held Germany to the Treaty of Versailles, Hitler would have never been able to get as powerful as he did. I have no respect for anyone that thinks that being a member of the Republican Party is an honor after hearing this. The History Channel is a reputable source and does extensive research and I, for one, am a fan of its historical chronicling. Hitler was one of the worst people that ever lived and had it not been for the defeat of the Treaty and Woodrow Wilson's League of Nations, which would have united most of the European nations at that time and would have added strength to Europe and the U.S. and held Germany accountable, Hitler's regime would never have gained the strength, man power, or influence to become history's worst dictator and millions of Jews would have never been exterminated in Death Camps. I wonder if any Republican would ever win again if the American people were educated about that very important fact every time an election was held?
Compliance is Not Consent
6 years ago
Don't get me started. :-)
Too late...
Speaking of Republicans, Hitler, and people who should be ashamed, our current President's grandfather Prescott had a longstanding relationship with Hitler and continued doing business with him even after the U.S. went to war with Germany. He was Hitler's banker and provided services to the Third Reich, including Hitler's troops and the death camps. In fact, it's reported that Auschwitz was built in that location because of its proximity to Fritz Thyssen's (Nazi contributor, primary sponsor of the Nazi Storm Troopers, and another Bush client, by the way) railroad, coal, and steel holdings. A fringe benefit would, of course, have been the proximity to I.G. Farben's seemingly endless supplies of the Zyklon B cyanide gas, weapon of choice in the murders of Jewish prisoners in the Nazi death camps.
Instead of being shot as a traitor, however, Bush's wealth and connections bought him the lesser charge of collaborator and with it nothing more than a slap on the wrist. In 1942 (remember now, we went to war on December 8, 1941) Prescott Bush and his father-in-law George Herbert Walker (sound familiar?) were administering Nazi money and there is evidence that they continued, with only a very slight interruption, until sometime in 1951. Prescott Bush, you may also recall, is reputed to be the one responsible for robbing Geronimo's skull from his final resting place at Fort Sill, OK and turning it over to the Skull & Bones society at Yale University.
Meanwhile, on another topic completely, you should have a gander at what W has been doing while the country's attention has been on McCain and Obama - it's obscene. He's doing it now to make sure enough time has passed so that the incoming President won't be able to overturn it, as he did to all of Clinton's lame duck legislation.
This from yesterday's Washington Post:
"The White House is working to enact a wide array of federal regulations, many of which would weaken government rules aimed at protecting consumers and the environment, before President Bush leaves office in January.
The new rules would be among the most controversial deregulatory steps of the Bush era and could be difficult for his successor to undo. Some would ease or lift constraints on private industry, including power plants, mines and farms.
Those and other regulations would help clear obstacles to some commercial ocean-fishing activities, ease controls on emissions of pollutants that contribute to global warming, relax drinking-water standards and lift a key restriction on mountaintop coal mining."
Nice, eh? Basically he's a deranged kid in a gun store. He has a limited amount of time left to do a historic amount of damage, and he's taking on the challenge. If only he'd have worked this hard to benefit the people of this country and not just big business. Bastard. Time to get off the soapbox. I'm getting too revved up...
Did you also know that the Democratic Party was against desegregation? Here's a quote from Senator Richard Russell (D-GA),"We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our (Southern) states." Also, the Repubs of the earlier 1900s, tried to pass an anti-lynching law.
Spartacus Educational also points this out:
However, on the 15th June, 1964, Richard B. Russell privately told Mike Mansfield and Hubert Humphrey, the two leading supporters of the Civil Rights Act, that he would bring an end to the filibuster that was blocking the vote on the bill. This resulted in a vote being taken and it was passed by 73 votes to 27.
Most of the deplorable acts of Congress and the Senate of that time period were apologized for in more recent years. It is unfortunate that those apologies came so late, but they were made. I have yet to see Republicans apologize to the world about their part in helping bring about events that would eventually lead to the self appointment of Adolf Hitler and his extermination of so many of my brethren, the six million Jews who were tortured and killed. It saddens and angers me that, of all the things that have been apologized for, the anialation of so many for their faith has yet to be addressed. I am glad that slavery, the slave trade, lynchings, and various other civil rights issues have been apologized for, but I am still waiting to hear an apology too. It will not, of course, make a difference now except that it will let the world know that they, the Republican Party, hold themselves accountable for their past actions that led to an atrocious act of violence. All parties, as far back into history as you can go, have all made regrettable mistakes, some worse than others, but to compare slavery to the near extinction of a race of peoples for their faith, is not the same AntiSocialism.
Good stuff SueBee. I'm sure there are many examples in history where one side's moronic choice cost many people there civil rights, privacy or freedom.
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